Using the sensitivity and awareness developed through training in Chinese meditative traditions, Dr Laseter can unlock innate healing abilities within your body, even at a distance. He calls this Guided Meditative Exercise.
Available in private or small group sessions.
Using the sensitivity and awareness developed through training in Chinese meditative traditions, Dr Laseter can unlock innate healing abilities within your body, even at a distance. He calls this Guided Meditative Exercise.
Available in private or small group sessions.
Meditative Healing Arts of New Mexico
About Dr. Chris Laseter
A native of the Bay Area, Dr. Laseter is an osteopathic physician and the founder of Meditative Healing Arts of New Mexico. He competed in Olympic-style weightlifting and karate as a young man. He sustained many injuries and obtained first-hand knowledge of chronic pain and disability. This was his path into the healing arts. He is passionate about Taoism, Zen and Chinese Internal Arts, including Tai Chi and Qigong.
After gaining a degree of mastery in his professional sphere of osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM), he began a long period of integrating his OMM skills with his passion for energetics expressed through Chinese medicine, meditation, internal martial arts such as taiji quan, and especially qigong. This transformed his osteopathic practice. Blending concepts from nearly thirty years of training in osteopathy and East Asian arts, he developed a program for healing and personal evolvement.
Dr. Laseter studied a number of systems of qigong and internal martial arts over the last 30 years. Kung Fu, specifically the internal martial arts (IMA), have been the avenue for his training in energy work. Only a minority can teach the healing potential found in their traditions. He was able to receive this through indoor training- meaning in the home, with Master Sam Tam of Vancouver, BC. Without Master Tam’s guidance and encouragement, he would not have been able to have an authentic experience of the qi energy. Although he trained with other teachers for twenty years, it was Master Tam that shared his healing and other energetic abilities in a way that Dr Laseter could gain a foothold. Dr Laseter’s primary cultivation practice has been standing meditation. He has practiced it for over thirty years. This, along with Master Tam’s instruction, is the foundation of his energetic understanding.
Dr Laseter lives near Santa Fe, New Mexico with his wife, Leigh, a ballet dancer, and their three cats Wills, Harry, and George.
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